Out of the estimated 7000 – 10,000 young Christian graduates
who are graduating every year from the Christian Unions, only
a handful are supporting FOCUS financially. FOCUS Champions has
therefore been developed to mobilize these Associates, Students and Partners to support
FOCUS in an easy and convenient way.
How it Works
- Registration - supporters (champions) sign up on the platform, with very basic details.
Mainly name, CU/University, gender, contacts.
- Commitment - This is the second stage on
registration, a supporter now makes a commitment, chooses one
of the options: one-off, monthly, bi-annually and annually, and
specifies the amount the the start and end dates.
- Periodic Contributions - this is the actual
contribution, mainly honoring the commitment made. The system
automatically send gentle reminders to the supporters
concerning their commitment around the due dates.
- Inviting Friends (network effect) - For the growth
of the platform, there’s a mechanism where already opted-in supporters
can be able to invite their friends/colleagues to join the platform
as supporters (champions).
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